These are my little tomato and pepper seedlings I started back in march....well, look at us now!!!!
I planted them in the garden beds about a month ago (when all chance of frost was passed). We had such a mild winter, it was VERY tempting to put them in earlier, but you can never predict the weather around here.
Here's what they looked like when we put them in the ground.
We've planted 8 big boy tomatoes, 4 cherry tomatoes, and 4 bell peppers.
I was very protective of these this year. We seem to have an infiltration of rabbits in the neighborhood, so the bamboo stakes are in place to hold up some loose deer netting. I'll take it down once we start having fruits.
We already have some flowers! See the little yellow flowers!! Those will become tomatoes!! I've read you should pinch off the first flowers to promote more growth, but I'm not going to do that this year and see what happens.
These are the peppers. For some reason they never thrive like the tomatoes do. We'll have to see what happens this year!
I've also planted several lettuces (lettuci? Haha) which may need to be reseeded because they are doing much and 2 rows of carrots (seen below)
In the 2nd (smaller) bed, my dad and I built a climbing trellis for the viney plants. I didn't start these plants from seed, but I plan on it next year.
The trellis is made from PVC piping which we spray painted to be prettier. The legs extend about 6 in into the ground and are attached to the inside walls of the garden bed with half-moon brackets. Otherwise, it's just elbows and 3-way connectors to build the configuration we wanted. We decided on an I type shape. I then used eye-hooks and twine to weave a netting for the vines to grow up. Hopefully it works well and will be strong enough for all of it!!
Next year I'd like to know who'd be interested in some of my plants! I had way too many started from seed. I hate to see them go to waste!! You don't have to have a huge garden, you can even grow a tomato in a pot!!